Breakfast Club at St Thomas More is a drop in session, so no need to book. Breakfast club will be open from 7:30am until the start of the school day at 8:50am Prices
Drop off is at the main school entrance.
Children must be brought up to the school building by a Parent/Carer and be signed in at the reception desk.
Strictly NO admissions after 8:30am
The cost is £3 per session for breakfast and childcare. Children will be able to play, relax and catch up with their friends until 8:50am.
Payment in advance via ParentMail (cash payments are not accepted in school) and accounts are charged daily after each attendance. If there are insufficient funds on your child/children's account, they will be allowed to attend that day, but will subsequently not be given entry until sufficient funds are paid to their Breakfast Club Account.
Parents/Carers are not permitted to attended Breakfast Club with their child.