Creswick Lane, Grenoside, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S35 8NN

01142 468020

St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Love one another as I have loved you

STM Maths


Please click here for information about our Maths curriculum


Our school follows the Maths mastery programme in F2 to Y6. Our reasoning for this is that instead of learning mathematical procedures by rote, we want pupils to build a deep conceptual understanding of concepts which will enable them to apply their learning in different situations. Problem solving is at the heart of the mastery approach, so we make sure to dedicate sufficient time to each new concept so every pupil can gain the reasoning they need to solve new problems in unfamiliar contexts. In Mathematics Mastery, our pupils are expected to all solve the same investigations by the end of the lesson, meaning the key concepts and objectives are met by all pupils.

Each unit that the children do has a pre and post assessment that enables staff to support children and provide them with maths lessons that are tailored and meet the needs of each individual. 

The Mathematics Mastery curriculum is cumulative - each school year begins with a focus on the concepts and skills that have the most connections, which are then applied and connected throughout the school year to consolidate learning. This gives pupils the opportunity to ‘master Maths’; by using previous learning throughout the school year, they are able to develop mathematical fluency and conceptual understanding.

The key principles of the mastery approach to Maths are:

*The use of physical resources to encourage a secure understanding of concepts*

*Giving children the opportunity to apply their skills in a variety of ways to develop fluency*

*All children working on the same concept: children are challenged to deepen their understanding of the concept rather than moving on to something new*

In order to ensure that children ‘master Maths’ and can recall and apply previous learning, Maths meetings also take place throughout the week. These are short consolidation sessions designed to revisit previous learning in a fun and engaging way.



Please click on the links below to access the Maths objectives of your child/children's' years group. Thank you. 


EYFS Maths Objectives

Y1 Maths Objectives

Y2 Maths Objectives

Y3 Maths Objectives

Y4 Maths Objectives

Y5 Maths Objectives

Y6 Maths Objectives


In order to ensure that children ‘master Maths’ and can recall and apply previous learning, Maths meetings also take place throughout the week. These are short consolidation sessions designed to revisit previous learning in a fun and engaging way 

Please look below at Maths meeting objectives for each year group. 


EYFS Maths Meeting Objectives

Y1 Maths Meeting Objectives

Y2 Maths Meeting Objectives

Y3 Maths Meeting Objectives

Y4 Maths Meeting Objectives

Y5 Maths Meeting Objectives

Y6 Maths Meeting Objectives


If you need any support with the strategies your child is using, please send your child's class teacher a message on dojo. 


The children in EYFS have been looking for numbers in the wider environment. They will spend the year working through the numbers 1-10

Some great examples of recent work in EYFS maths books

Some examples of recent work from our fantastic children in Key Stage 1

Some more examples of great work from our wonderful Key Stage Two children



Our displays have examples of Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract representations. They also remind children of the important language that we use within our maths lessons for each unit of learning.


A display in one of our KS1 classrooms

A display in one of our KS2 classrooms


Times Tables Rock Stars!

We use Times Tables Rock Stars from Year 2 onwards at STM. We do this so that we can support our children in developing their number fluency and we are also preparing them for the Multiplication Check that they will complete in Year 4.

This year, Year 4 have created their own avatars and they have weekly competitions. Well done Year 4!

For our younger children in EYFS and Key Stage One we also give children access to Numbots.

Please click on the images below to link to the TimesTable RockStars and Numbots websites