RWI Groups |
What your child will learn |
Set 1 sounds Group A |
Learn the sounds: m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e
Set 1 sounds Group B |
Recap the sounds:
m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e
Learn the sounds: l h r j v y w z x
Learn to orally blend sounds together: c-a-t cat.
Teach blending sounds together using magnetic letters on magnetic whiteboards.
Set 1 sounds Group C |
Recap the sounds:
m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e
l h r j v y w z x
Learn the sounds:
ff ss ll zz Begin to read ‘green words’ such as: mud, pot, win.
Practise orally blending sounds together: c-a-t cat.
Practise blending sounds together using magnetic letters on magnetic whiteboards.
Ditty Group |
Recap the sounds: m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x ss ll ff zz
Learn thes sounds: ch ng nk qu sh th
Read green words containing sounds they know such as: frog, sand, rug, miss, hill.
Read alien words containing sounds they know such as: zil, wuz, nup. Children will read photocopy ditty sheets and learn red words: I, of, my, to, the, no
Red Group |
Recap the sounds: m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x ss ff ll zz
ch ng nk qu sh th
Learn thes sounds:
wh ph ck kn
Read green words containing sounds they know such as: miss, buzz, chin, song, wink, quit, shut, this.
Read alien words containing sounds they know.
Children read red ditty books and learn red words: I, of, my, to, the, no
Green Group |
Recap the sounds:
ss ff ll zz ch ng nk qu sh th wh ph ck kn
Recap: previously taught green and alien words from set 1 and 2. Learn the sounds: ay ee igh ow (as in snow) oo (as in pool) oo (as in book) Reading green words for: ay ee igh ow (as in snow) oo (as in pool) oo (as in book) Reading alien words for: ay ee igh ow (as in snow) oo (as in pool) oo (as in book)
Red words: the, your, said, you, my, I, he, are, of, no. Children read green story books
Purple Group |
Recap the sounds:
ch ng nk qu sh th wh ph ck kn ay ee igh ow (as in snow) oo (as in pool) oo (as in book)
Recap: previously taught green and alien words from set 1 and 2. Learn the sounds: ar or air ir ou oy Reading green words for: ar or air ir ou oy Reading alien words for: ar or air ir ou oy Red words: the, of, to, I, my, me, go, he, baby, said, are, you, your, paint.
Children read purple story books
Pink Group |
Recap the sounds: ay ee igh ow (as in snow) oo (as in pool) oo (as in book) ar or air ir ou oy Recap: previously taught green and alien words from set 1 and 2.
Learn the sounds: ea oi a-e i-e o-e u-e e-e Reading green words for: ea oi a-e i-e o-e u-e e-e Reading alien words for: ea oi a-e i-e o-e u-e e-e Red words: all, my, the, like, I’ve, want, you, call, we, be, no, her, are, of, me, said, he, she, to, washing, some, be, there, so.
Children read pink story books
Orange Group |
Recap the sounds: ar or air ir ou oy ea oi a-e i-e o-e u-e e-e Recap: previously taught green and alien words from set 1, 2 and 3. Learn letter names.
Learn the sounds: er ai oa aw ur ew ow (as in brown) au ie ue Reading green words for: er ai oa aw ur ew ow (as in brown) au ie ue Reading alien words for: er ai oa aw ur ew ow (as in brown) au ie ue Red words: what, they, do, said, you, the, me, be, want, my, go, he, old, are, we, so, was, be of, all, she, her.
Children read orange story books
Yellow Group |
Recap the sounds: ea oi a-e i-e o-e u-e e-e er ai oa aw ur ew ow (as in brown) au ie ue Recap: previously taught green and alien words from set 1, 2 and 3.
Learn the sounds: ire ear ure are
Reading green words for: ire ear ure are
Reading alien words for: ire ear ure are Red words: one, saw, her, to, go, the, all, was, some, she, be, he, they, watch, watches, me, said, my, want, you, school, are, of, small, do, by, wall, there, what, no, so, your, who, tall, call, brother, I’m, I’ve, their, any, fall, were.
Children read yellow story books
Blue Group |
Sound Families • ay, ai, a-e • ee, ea, e-e • igh, i-e, ie • ow, o-e, oa • oo, u-e, ew, ue • ir, er, ur • ou, ow, • oy, oi • or, aw, au • air, are • kn, n • wh, w • ph, f, ff
Letter names Reading Longer/Multi-syllabic words from set 1, 2 and 3 Place names
Red words: any, other, two, one, all, her, there, said, could, they, would, want, their, watch, some, anyone, over, who, does, school, through, once, here, son, you’re, here, why, brother, were, humans, whole, what, was, small, tall.
Children learn blue story books.
Grey Group |
Sound Families • ay, ai, a-e • ee, ea, e-e • igh, i-e, ie • ow, o-e, oa • oo, u-e, ew, ue • ir, er, ur • ou, ow, • oy, oi • or, aw, au • air, are • kn, n • wh, w • ph, f, ff
Letter names Reading longer/Multi-syllabic words from set 1, 2 and 3 Place names Red words: should, were, there, call, want, come, one, through, many, could, are, other, was, two, who, you, said, your, what, school, mother, to, they, father, watch, anyone, whole, water, great, brother, above, where, here, someone, another, walk, what, small, any, here, son, would.
Children read Grey story books
Comprehension Group |
Comprehension Modules